Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sarah You Been Scarce

From P.G. Wodehouse, "Jeeves in the Springtime:"

Bingo told me all this in a husky voice over an egg beaten in sherry. The only blot on the thing from his point of view was that it wasn't doing a bit of good to the old vocal cords, which were beginning to show signs of cracking under the strain. He had been looking his symptoms up in a medical dictionary, and he thought he had got "clergyman's throat."

From E.B. Shuldham, "Chronic Sore Throat: or Follicular Disease of the Pharynx: Its Local and Constitutional Treatment:"

When I have very lengthly statements to make, I have used what is called egg-flip– a glass of sherry beaten up with an egg. I think it excellent, but have more faith in the egg than the alcohol.

I have more faith in a sore throat than my regular singing voice, but only because it's more likely to make me sound a little like Jack Elliott. Here's a song:

Image Source: Bob Fahey's Web Site

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