Friday, October 29, 2010

No. 31 Blues (Tell Her From Me)

I promise the title of this song had nothing to do with Mersenne Primes, gallium, Jeff Burton, or Actium. What does that leave?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sarah You Been Scarce

From P.G. Wodehouse, "Jeeves in the Springtime:"

Bingo told me all this in a husky voice over an egg beaten in sherry. The only blot on the thing from his point of view was that it wasn't doing a bit of good to the old vocal cords, which were beginning to show signs of cracking under the strain. He had been looking his symptoms up in a medical dictionary, and he thought he had got "clergyman's throat."

From E.B. Shuldham, "Chronic Sore Throat: or Follicular Disease of the Pharynx: Its Local and Constitutional Treatment:"

When I have very lengthly statements to make, I have used what is called egg-flip– a glass of sherry beaten up with an egg. I think it excellent, but have more faith in the egg than the alcohol.

I have more faith in a sore throat than my regular singing voice, but only because it's more likely to make me sound a little like Jack Elliott. Here's a song:

Image Source: Bob Fahey's Web Site

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Very Thought of You

The song at the end of this post is my attempt to write in the "Dream Pop" genre. This is a genre worked by, inter alios, David Lynch. Here is the other song of this type with which I am familiar:

This song features prominently in an important (and, obviously, disturbing) scene in the show "Twin Peaks." The tune (but not the vibe) of the verse happens also to resemble Harry Shearer's theme song for "News of the Digital Wonderland." You can skip directly to the theme song in this episode of Le Show.

Harry Shearer's song isn't really Dream Pop, and neither is mine. I only say that because I largely worked it out during a hypnopompic reverie last week, from when I was asleep after the alarm went off until halfway through my morning shower. Here it is:

<a href="">The Very Thought Of You by Dan Bandstra</a>

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Like The Noise You Make

Ten-dollar words like "preternaturally" rarely fit in any time or place, let alone in the second line of a song. It's a special occasion for a nerd like me:

<a href="">I Like The Noise You Make by Dan Bandstra</a>